Thinque Futurist Blog by Anders Sorman-Nilsson

World Cup Rio De Janeiro 2014 and Analogue Emotions

Written by | July 21, 2014

In this video, global futurist Anders Sorman-Nilsson broadcasts from the recent World Cup held in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.


Anders discusses the meaning of Football World Cup, why people pilgrimage from all over the world to this analogue location, why football engages our emotional, irrational, analogue hearts, and what brands and businesses can learn from this.

Click below now to see the full video!

The World Cup truly was a monumental event. Projects put the money spent by the Brazilian government at $14 billion while Fifa threw in another $4 billion.

Despite all of the Digital access that we have there's nothing like really being at a live event such at the World Cup. The sense of pride and joy is something that really connects with our analog hearts.

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