Recently, we have had the privilege and fortune of connecting globally and locally with multinational organisations in a diverse range of markets. Technology combined with future-minded human connectedness and connection is making this possible. Recent projects we have been working on have included a national 'Thought Leadership and Social Media Marketing' roadshow for one of the world's leading financial services organisations, scenario planning with Australia's leading bank, a 'leadership styles' program with an American pharmaceutical company, employer branding advice for one of the world's thought leading HR companies, executive coaching with pharmaceutical leaders, and an international innovation roadshow with an American-Japanese printing and digital solutions provider.
Given the depth, breadth and global nature of these programs, we thought it apt to visually demonstrate some of the services and solutions that we offer at Thinque. These include both digital and analogue delivery, and combines both global and local delivery of content.
Feel free to enquire with us on for further questions or to engage us for your next program when you're seeking to upgrade your organisation for the future.