Thinque Futurist Blog by Anders Sorman-Nilsson

The most Innovative Office WorkSpace In The World

Written by | October 15, 2015

A couple of days ago a came across this interesting article The Smartest Building In The World in the magazine Bloomberg BusinessThe article is about the multi-tenant office bulding The Edge in Amsterdam, Holland. The building and the workspace with its innovative and connected technologies gives us an insight into what the office of the future might look like.

The consulting firm Deloitte which is the main tentant of the bulding have created a smartphone app that is connect with The Edge. According to the article this technology recognizes your car when you arrive and then directs you to a free parking space. Furthermore the app helps you find a desk (because at The Edge workspaces are based on your schedule) and when arriving or wherever you go in the innovative office building the app tweaks light and temperature according to your preferences. For me this is what a seamless workspace looks like.

In addition to this The Edge have been nominated the greenest bulding in the world by British rating agency BREEAM. The effecient use of resources and solar panels on the building contributes to making it on of the most sustainable buldings in the world, in fact The Edge actually create more electricity than it uses. 


Above is a picture of Deloitte's central dashboard which is a visualization of how The Edge and its employees interact. 

For further readings about the future of work check out these two blog posts:

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