Thinque Futurist Blog by Anders Sorman-Nilsson

The Digital Paradigm In HealthCare: Wearable Tech And mHealth

Written by | October 2, 2015
In June, 2015 I was invited to open NaviHealth's inaugural conference in Nashville, Tennessee to address the Future of Healthcare, in the context of Post-Acute Care. In this slidedeck which summarises the key strategic points from his keynote, you will gain access to insights affecting the digital paradigm shift in how we think about and manage our health, both proactively and reactively. The Future of Healthcare certainly looks more like Startrek than like bloodletting. Here are the slides, courtesy of Keppler Speakers and Thinque.

As you can see in the graph above the U.S spend significantly more per capita on healthcare than other industrialized countries, and at the same time health outcomes are among the worst. In 2014 United States spent almost 18 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) on healthcare. The main reaseon behind this is that the U.S delivers a more expensive blend of services. 

In my futurist keynote for NaviHealth I also spoke about the wearable tech and how that trend is impacting the future of healthcare. Powered and enabled by the machine-to-machine and the Internet Of Things the growth of this mobile technology is already revolutionizing the industry. The main drivers for wearable tech and mobile health adoption is the increasing penetration of capable devices and user and patient demand. However, the lack of data security and lack of standards can hold this growth back. 

Here are two other blogposts from us at Thinque about the future of healthcare:

Future of Healthcare - Anders Sorman-Nilsson from Anders Sorman-Nilsson

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