Decoding Tomorrow:
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Sydney Futurist: Tactics Without Strategy is The Noise Before Defeat

22 Oct 2024

Do you have a plan for the future?

Are you clear on your vision, goals and purpose - for your business and for your life?

Or are you stuck in the busyness of doing?...

Sun Tzu, the great military strategist once said: "Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat."


I couldn't agree more. Time and again I have observed entrepreneurs, leaders, and family business owners fail miserably while being really busy doing it.

Why? Because they have no clear vision of where they are going. No strategy to get from the present moment into a defined, desireable, visualised future. 


While a lot of my futurist work - for corporate leaders and individuals alike is focussed on strategy and deliberate future design - I also spend a lot of my time thinking about my own business and life futures.

Yesterday I immersed myself in the Entrepreneurs Organization's Strategy Day to re-visit my vision, purpose, and goals, and next weekend I am spending 36 hours with my EO forum on our 6 monthly strategy retreat - not only because I find it immensely valuable to have a North Star and see my life and business evolve, but also as I want to congruently walk the talk of the importance of imagining and intentionally planning for the future.

The sense of clarity, rejuvenation and integrity that flows from designing a solid and inspiring plan and vision cannot be underestimated. 

I deliver this work via conference presentations, strategy retreats, scenario planning, but also individual coaching so if you're keen on working together, feel free to reach out and let us co-design a more compelling future.

Futurist & Humanist

Anders Sörman-Nilsson

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