Dear Friends and Clients,
I trust that you are doing well and that that you are getting excited about the festive season and are already setting your sights on a prosperous, healthy and evolutionary 2007!!! :)
We have been very busy at our end coaching, presenting and engaging in our on-going professional development. In September, I gave the key note speech at Canberra Grammar School at their Valedictory dinner for 600 people which was a great honour and privilege. You can find a transcript of the speech by clicking here .
In October we have been having a special focus on coaching HSC students achieve their ambitions in the Yr 12 certificate and with our clients now in the middle of exams, we are trusting that their hard work and preparations are paying dividends.
On the on-going professional development front, I have graduated from Chris Howard's Presentation and Platform Skills and NLP Trainer's Training. To my knowledge this means that I am the only Australia-based NLP Trainer who is certified at the Trainer's level by both Chris Howard and Dr Tad James. While Anika is furthering her NLP skills in Mexico and the US with Robert Dilts, I am completing my Certificate IV Training in Training and Workplace Assessment. This means that we are going to have an even more dynamic and engaging duo with the newest insights, ideas and creative trainings in 2007. True to our word that 'champions are made in training', we constantly seek out the best in various fields to make sure we can give as much value as possible now and in the future.
Our school projects are moving ahead, and our corporate trainings for lawyers is close to launch, so we are moving ahead on all fronts and excited about the final quarter of this year and what 2007 has in store.
In November I am presenting a goal-setting seminar for the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Sydney with a focus on Young Professionals. This means that we are connecting even more with the business community in Australia and beyond and we are excited about this opportunity to make an impact on an international level. Recently we have also contributed numerous articles and ideas that are featuring in leading Australian and Swedish magazines and we are constantly working on forging closer ties between the countries. We will make reference to these and post them on the web as soon as they have been published.
Two books are also in the pipeline and a radio feature is coming, so lots of exciting news on our front. More importantly though, our clients are achieving some top results and we are getting phenomenal feed-back about their accomplishments in career, business, school and health. Good on you guys!
Stay the course!
Kind regards,
PS. We have come across a great web-site called that we recommend to all our clients. Inspirational and highly informed presentations from some of the world's foremost influencers are contained on this very creative and cutting-edge web-site.