Hello dear friends and comrades,
I have just come back from a great time in Melbourne where I did a training for an awesome bunch of people at Reactive Media - a BRW Fast 100 Company and a team filled with great individuals and inspiring leaders.
After a great day and evening together with the team, I finally granted myself a weekend of relaxation, sleep and just being in the flow which was nice. The last few weeks have been busy, so it was great to be away inter-state in my second home city, Melbourne and just soaking up the atmosphere.
Also had a chance to catch up on my reading and found a disturbing yet very funny book by Jeremy Blachman called Lawyer Anonymous: A Novel which describes the life of a hiring managers at one the top international law firms in New York. Describes the exact reasons why we created Whole Mind Communications: Integrating IQ and EQ .
In other news, I am excited to announce that I will be speaking at the International Coach Federation's Australasia Conference 2007 'Creating the Future: Today' in Melbourne 2-5th October 2007, which will be a lot of fun.
In the next week we will be posting streaming videos of some of our recent presentations as well as personal development podcasts that you can download to your MP3 players.
If you are interested in pre-ordering your copy of 'Secrets of Great Success Coaches Exposed', please get in contact with our office at https://www.anderssorman-nilsson.com/asn-contact-us
Speak soon
PS. Speaking at Network about Generation Y and Cross-Generational Communication - a Jewish Youth Organisation in Sydney on March 20 - great fun.