Thinque Futurist Blog by Anders Sorman-Nilsson

Instagram Husbands - The Secret Behind Flawless Social Media Pictures

Written by | March 22, 2016

Are you an avid user of Instagram? If you answered yes on this question you will probably appreciate this hilarious video from the website Instagram Husband which is a website dedicated to "men who are sick and tired of being the designated Instagram photographer." 


"The term Instagram Husband does not necessarily refer to marital status, relationship status, gender, or age. Anyone can be stricken as an Instagram Husband, including boyfriends, girlfriends, parents, or sons and daughters. Instagram Wife is also gender, status, and age neutral. It is important that you find out if you are an Instagram Husband."

So on their website you can take a test consisting of 10 questions which will determine if you are Instagram Husband or just an Instagram Friend. 

Speaking of the social media platform, last week TechCrunch reported that they are rearranging the order of posts in users feeds. Instagram will change their reverse chronological order to an order which is based on the likelihood that the user will be interested in the content, relationship with the person posting and the timeliness of the post. Does this sound familiar to you? It's probably because it's similar to the algorithm that their parent company Facebook use. For the regular Instagram user the feed will be perceived as more personalized, but for businesses and visually oriented brands it will become increasingly competitive to get likes and views. 

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