Thinque Futurist Blog by Anders Sorman-Nilsson

Futurist: Would You Trust an AI Psychologist?

Written by Anders | July 2, 2024

Today, I invite you to ponder a critical question: Would you trust an AI with your deepest secrets?


The Emergence of AI Psychologists

Consider Woebot, an AI-driven conversational agent designed to provide cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for adolescents. Remarkably, users have reported the same efficacy and improvements as those seen in human-delivered therapy. According to a study published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research, Woebot significantly reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety in young adults after just two weeks of use.

The implications are profound. AI psychologists like Woebot are not just a futuristic concept; they are a reality today (as I covered in this keynote for ServiceNow in Singapore), offering accessible mental health support around the clock. At a time when the referral wait period between a GP recommendation and actual accessibility to a human psychologist is on average 9 months in developed nations like Australia, you can understand the attraction of the AI Psych...

But how comfortable are we sharing our innermost thoughts, traumas and childhood attachments with a machine?

The Comfort of Sharing Secrets

Trust is a fundamental component of any therapeutic relationship. Traditionally, this trust has been built through human connection, empathy, and understanding. However, AI's ability to emulate empathetic responses challenges our notions of trust and confidentiality.

A study by Stanford University found that people often disclose more personal information to AI systems than to humans because they feel less judged and more anonymous. This paradoxical intimacy can foster a unique therapeutic environment where individuals might feel safer sharing their secrets.

AI's Understanding of Human Emotions

Advancements in natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning enable AI systems to understand and respond to human emotions with increasing accuracy. For instance, Woebot uses NLP to detect emotional cues in a user’s language, providing responses that mimic human empathy. This capability enhances the user experience, making interactions feel more personal and supportive.

Yet, despite these advancements, there are concerns about the depth of understanding and the nuances of human emotions that AI can truly grasp.

Can an AI genuinely understand the complexity of human trauma, grief, or joy?

Privacy and Ethical Considerations

Sharing secrets with an AI also raises questions about privacy and ethics. While AI systems like Woebot are designed with robust data protection measures, the idea of divulging personal information to a machine can still be unsettling for many.

Trusting an AI with our mental health requires confidence not just in its therapeutic capabilities, but also in its ability to safeguard our privacy.


Reflecting on Our Comfort Levels

As we stand at the intersection of technology and humanity, it’s essential to reflect on our comfort levels. Would you feel at ease discussing your mental health, trauma, and secrets with an AI? This question challenges us to reconsider the nature of trust, empathy, and confidentiality in the digital age.

At Thinque, we are dedicated to exploring these deep questions and providing insights that help us navigate the future. We believe that understanding our comfort with AI in sensitive areas like mental health is crucial for shaping the ethical and empathetic use of technology.

Join the Conversation

We invite you to share your thoughts and experiences. How do you feel about the rise of AI psychologists? Would you be open to trusting an AI with your mental health? Your perspectives are vital as we decode the future together. I am curious in your deepest thoughts and no, I am not an AI...