Thinque Futurist Blog by Anders Sorman-Nilsson

Futurist: My 7 Favourite Sustainable Fashion Brands

Written by Anders | July 21, 2024

As a futurist deeply committed to sustainability, I often find myself reflecting on the choices we make and their long-term impact on our planet. Next week I am travelling (climate-positively) to Singapore to keynote at DHL's Era of Sustainable Logistics conference, and thus I have been thinking deeply about my travel wardrobe and the brands I choose to back over time. Today, I want to share some of my favorite sustainable fashion brands and highlight how they are contributing to the circular economy and conscious consumption - while being both timely and timeless.

1. Filson

Durability, Repairs, and Conservation

Filson is renowned for its rugged, durable clothing and bags designed to last a lifetime. Beyond their generous and seamless repair services (which I have used several times over the last 15 years), Filson actively contributes to environmental conservation. They collaborate with organizations like Ducks Unlimited to support waterfowl conservation efforts and preserve natural habitats. Filson’s use of high-quality materials like Tin Cloth and Mackinaw Wool ensures longevity, reducing the need for frequent replacements and minimizing waste. They also support various conservation organizations, including the National Forest Foundation, the Conservation Alliance, and the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership.


2. RM Williams

Craftsmanship, Circularity, and Regenerative Practices

RM Williams is dedicated to quality, durability, and sustainability through their "Crafted for Life" strategy. This initiative includes a circular system for product takeback, refurbishment, and recycling, and I have used their repair service to give new life to my 2 pairs of Craftsman Boots. They also focus on regenerative agriculture by sourcing cotton from Good Earth Cotton, known for its carbon-positive production. More recently, RM Williams has invested in plant-based textile innovations, aiming to reduce reliance on traditional leather and plastics. Additionally, they have updated their eCommerce packaging to use FSC-certified recycled materials and are committed to reducing plastics across their product lines.

3. Fjällräven

Sustainable Materials and Repair Programs

Swedish outdoor brand Fjällräven is committed to using sustainable materials like recycled polyester and organic cotton. They offer repair kits and services, promoting a culture of repairing and reinforcing rather than replacing items. Fjällräven's focus on durability and sustainability for products worn in nature helps reduce waste and supports a more circular approach to fashion and it is one of my and my sons' favourite brands for dealing with the elements at our cabin. Their commitment extends to reducing their environmental footprint by using eco-friendly materials and supporting sustainable practices in their manufacturing processes.

4. Patagonia

Environmental Activism and Circular Initiatives

Patagonia leads the charge in sustainable fashion with initiatives like the Worn Wear program, which allows customers to buy, trade, and repair used Patagonia gear. I love their products and wear this multipurpose vest nearly every day on my boat commute or on flights given its ability to keep me warm (but not uncomfortably so). Patagonia prioritize using recycled materials and actively support environmental causes through various campaigns and donations. Patagonia’s commitment to sustainability extends to reducing carbon emissions and promoting environmental stewardship, making them a beacon of responsible fashion.

5. P Johnson Tailors

Repairs and Modifications

P Johnson creates high-quality, timeless pieces (like the green linen suit above) and offers repair and modification services. I am still wearing my offwhite pants from 2010 which are a testament to quality and I have had many items successfully repaired (at no cost) that result from normal wear and tear. This ensures that their tailored products remain relevant and wearable for years, reducing the need for new purchases and aligning with circular economy principles. Their commitment to sustainability is reflected in their emphasis on adaptability and longevity, encouraging customers to maintain and modify their garments rather than discard them.


6. Merz B. Schwanen

Traditional Techniques and Longevity

When I want to chill out at home in front of the fireplace, I throw on a Merz B. Schwanen tshirt, sweatpants and sweatshirt (like the one below). This Swabian Alp brand utilizes traditional loop-wheeler knitting techniques and organic, sustainable cotton to produce durable garments designed for longevity. Their focus on quality craftsmanship ensures that their clothing is not only comfortable but also enduring, promoting long-term use and reducing waste in the fashion industry. By maintaining high standards of production, they contribute to a more sustainable fashion ecosystem.

7. On 

Innovation and Recyclability

Swiss brand On is pioneering the future of sustainable footwear (and helping me with my trail running) with innovative products like the Cyclon, made from bio-based materials and designed to be fully recyclable. This closed-loop system exemplifies the principles of the circular economy, significantly reducing waste and environmental impact. Their commitment to sustainability includes using eco-friendly materials and ensuring their products can be recycled at the end of their life cycle.


Embracing the Future of Fashion

By supporting brands like Filson, RM Williams, Fjällräven, Patagonia, P Johnson, Merz B. Schwanen, and On, we can make conscious choices that align with our values and contribute to a more sustainable world. These brands not only offer high-quality, durable products but also actively participate in initiatives that protect our environment and promote sustainability.


Let's continue to decode tomorrow by making informed decisions today, championing sustainability, and embracing the circular economy in every aspect of our lives - all while being comfortable and looking our best selves.


Tune into my Sustainable Futures keynote below on how technology is augmenting the 3Ps of People, Planet and Profits.