Decoding Tomorrow:
Futurism and Foresights Today

Foresights and ideas that expand minds and inspire a change of heart.

Futurist: Decoding Mindful Technology in Human Terms With Heartening Stories

10 Sep 2024

When we brief with clients, we always focus on the KPIs for the client event or strategy retreat, and we unpack 3 specific learning outcomes (or emotional impacts) from my future-focussed keynotes and strategy sessions. You know the down-to-business type conversation, right?

And while my keynote cinematography and science fiction = science fact content always expand minds and inspire a change of heart, it is the humane and vulnerable conversations afterwards that often blow my mind!

People come up and want to talk about better digital nutrition for their children (and their families).

Screenshot 2024-08-30 at 10.35.27 AM

I often share our family story about my oldest son Lucien (blondie 7 y-o in the middle of this photo) who according to our GP has a little bit of pre-anxiety. Given that wait times for human child psychologists is quite long (9 months on average in Australia), our GP prescribed the mindfulness app, Headspace, in the interim. Doctors prescribing apps - this is in some ways digital medicine or at least digital nutrition!...

Given that the boys and I are science fiction fans - I have introduced Lucien to Star Wars in a very age-inappropriate fashion (and maybe this is where the anxiety comes from...), we sit down each night when my boys are with me, and we do breathwork - with Yoda - on the Headspace app.


Digital Nutrition is Mindful Technology - it is an example that digital content is brain chemistry wrapped in story - and that the right story - for example, tapping into The Force of a Yedi with Yoda can help children (and their parents) with their brain chemistry... 


AI, technology, the Internet of Things and Quantum Computing can sometimes seem like cold topics, but when you decode these technologies in a humanistic way it sparks real human dialogue and deep and meaningful connections at conferences and events. 

It's something to think about and something I am deeply grateful for - when the business KPIs are augmented with real human take aways and caring family members take away digital resources/nutrition that can help make a difference in their families' lives. 

PS. Quick cap nod to psychologist Jocelyn Brewer who coined the term Digital Nutrition. It's a mind blowing concept!



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