Hello dear friends,
I have been spending the last few days surviving a torrential downpour on the NSW South Coast and in Sydney. A great time to stay indoors, to reflect and to write articles - so make sure that you sign up for our Thinque-zine newsletter to get access to these articles. We have a new one coming up on the impact of Second Life on life's meaning, and a second article on How to manage the Generation Mix in corporate Australia. Last week, our article on Generation Y was featured in the Australian Anthill Magazine. You can find a Pdf of it by clicking here .
I am also excited about the fact that I have been asked to feature in Dale Beaumont's 'Secrets of Top Australian Success Coaches Exposed' that is being released on May 1. Dale and I enjoyed a nice dinner the other night in Glebe in Sydney. You will be able to buy this cutting-edge book on our products page and I will keep you posted on when and how that will work. Keep you eyes and ears open as it is a great read!
Here is a photo of Dale and myself.
In my recent research on our latest training Whole Mind Communications (tm), I have come across several interesting tools and EQ tests. Check out this page and take the test yourself - the following are my scores ;) :
EQ: [57]
Further, I have come across two streaming videos that I would like to recommend. The first one is of laughter yoga - a technique developed in India and investigated by John Cleese on his tv program. Check it out here.
The second one is a very different and unfortunately traditional way of motivation. I am not at all supportive of the either, nor the way the discussion runs or the values they espouse - and I would like to make you aware that the language is X rated. However, it serves as a useful tool to see how not to motivate your staff, peers and yourself. This kind of motivational speaking is not the way forward, and I know that no one who takes our NLP courses would engage in this type of motivational speaking or coaching. Beware by clicking here. They might mean well, but they get it all wrong.
Instead I would visit What the Bleep do we Know? for a Great Movie about personal development, unique perspectives and quantum physics - a lot more centred and ecological content.
Speak soon,
Anders ;)