Decoding Tomorrow:
Futurism and Foresights Today

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Aftershock: what is the aftermath of COVID-19?

30 Jul 2020

Tune into this video conversation between Australian futurist Anders Sorman-Nilsson and Canadian futurist Ian Khan on the Ian Khan Show decoding the book Aftershock: The World’s Foremost Futurists Reflect on 50 Years of Future Shock―and Look Ahead to the Next 50 (which we both contributed to) and the emerging Mega-Trends shaping the post-Corona-climate. 


Here is what the Wall Street Journal had to say about this futurist book:

"The future looks very different today than it did before Jan. 31, the day President Trump closed travel with China in reaction to the Covid-19 outbreak. As the world struggles through this crisis, one thing that will follow is a massive reset in how businesses and governments plan and forecast. For those without a role on the front lines of the immediate battle, thinking about the future starts now."

After Shock Futurist Anders Sorman-Nilsson





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