2 weeks ago I had the great hounour of presenting the concept of Digilogue and insights about the future of HR at Human Resource Proffessionals Accossiation 2016 Conference in Toronto, Canada. After the keynote I was interviewed by Todd Humber, Associate Publisher/Managing Editor at the Canadian HR Reporter about my most recent book Digilogue and the future of HR.
During the interview I spoke about three key ideas that will shape the future of human resources:
What I mean with this is that a) someone is literally hacking into the system or b) that companies are getting hacked by startups.
The second idea is that we need to enable smarter decision making in real-time. How? Well your staff and your customers are taking life matters into their own hands via their mobile devices or their wearable technology. This means that HR professionals need to be able to visualize relevant data so that staff members can collaborate and make smarter decisions in real time with each other.
In order to prevent human resource professionals from being looked over, organisations and people need to develop their know how about business trends and enabling technology. Basically HR professionals must learn how to sell their idea virus and make HR sexy once again.
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